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Participate in parades and other ceremonies that are in keeping with the Aims and Purposes of the American Legion. To promote motorcycle safety programs and to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members who share the same interest. To use Association to promote and support programs of the American Legion through service to our Community, State and Nation.

Who benifits from joining an American Legion Riders Group?

We all do!!!! Many of the groups, in existence today, have all had stories where some of their Post members were a little reluctant to let a group of "Bikers" in to their Post. After seeing what these groups were doing for the American Legion their opinion soon changed. Not only did the post welcome them. But also in most cases did what they could to help support their efforts, by participating in some of the groups fundraising events. There are also many stories where the American Legion Riders group worked in conjunction with the Post to sponsor a program. The Post was glad to have their help and the riders were honored to be asked. We were able to break down some barriers. Just one person wears a leather motorcycle jacket and another wear a golf shirt and slacks, we now know that we can work together to promote the aims and purposes of the American Legion. We have done it, and everyone involved was able to see the benefit. the American Legion Riders was never intende to be a "Motorcycle Club". As stated, it is to be able to work with the Local Post to assist in promoting the American Legion.

Membership, Membership Membership!!

Literally every Post program of the American Legion riders has brought in members that may not have joined the American Legion were it not for the Riders program. The Riders program has been able to spark a new interest to join the American Legion. Some of these members, who joined for the Legion Rider program, have gone on to serve as Officers within their Post. Conversely, we have also had Post members go out and purchase motorcycles just to join the Riders. There was one story from a Post that recently started an American Legion Riders group. It advertised for the first meeting of the group. they originally intended for only about six or seven members to show up to the first meeting. When the meeting started they had seventeen people wanting to join, nine if these people joining the American Legion that night so that they could become members of the Legion Riders. Have you had a program that has brought in that many new members in one night lately?

Pure Enjoyment!!

The program was designed to have people work together and enjoy themselves. It may be a group of riders working on a fundraiser for a llocal charity, it may be just a warm summer evening ride together or maybe just sitting at the post sharing stories. It's all about members working together and playing


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