If you are interested in boy state leave your information below for June of 2018
Boy's State for June 2018
Plymouth South High School
Jared Cole
Maxamillan Dibella
Plymouth North High School
Colby Parker
New Testament Christian School
Jessee Fitzhenry
Jonathan de Macedo
Elected Lt Govenor on6/17/2015
Old Colony Regional Vocational High School
Dylan Jones
To say Boys State was one of the best weeks of my life would be an understatement. Truth be told, I wasn't all that excited to spend a week away from my family and friends during my first week of summer, but looking back on it now, I only regret not being able to go for a second week.
From the moment I stepped into the lobby at Stonehill, I was greeted by the expectetant eyes of smiling legionnaires waiting to see what would come of these young men they had selected to participate. I was certainly nervous to say the least, but I was determined to get to know as many people as my limited memory would allow me. I must have introduced myself to some 250 kids personally (probably why I had a cold for the next week and a half.) and attempted desperately to remember each of their names.
While there were many stand-out young men present that week, it was my family from T-1 Iwo Jima which made this week truly special. They all had unique gifts and talents which helped compliment the shortcomings of others, and we had a group spirit and happiness which was second to none. Somehow I got elected captain of the soccer team after running my campaign off of the idea that, "I have no experience playing organized soccer, but I love the game and know that we are going to have more fun than anyone else." Apparently, democracy gets it wrong sometimes too. Needless to say, we had oodles of laughs, even if the results didn't necessarily go our way. (I guess I made good on most of my promises.)
Perhaps the most challenging but engaging process throughout the week was the intimidating campaign trail. Entering Boys State, I had one goal: To make as many friends as possible. After a short talk with one of the many great counsellors from Boys State (You're the man Liam), I decided to run for the Constitutional Office of Lieutenant Governor. Little did I know when I raised my hand to participate during our county caucus that I was going to be spending alot more time in front of my Federalist party. After a roughly thrown together speech as to why I wanted to be Lieutenant Governor, our county had elected me as their nominee. The very next day I was in front of 200 other young men, pleading my cause as to why I deserved their vote and once again, they responded. The process ensued for 24 more hours until it was the night of the primary elections. Standing before 400 of my peers, with sweat on my hands and joy in my heart, I delivered a speech I won't soon forget. As I let the last few words out of my mouth and ended with a sincere, "God bless you" the audience erupted, standing to their feet with a round of applause- a response I will always remember.
Perhaps that should have been the moment to be proud of all the hard work that I had put into crafting speeches and shaking hands, but to be honest, it was a moment of utter humility; as I, the sixteen year old skinny white kid, was shown indescribable Grace from God and enough love and support by my new-found family that I was chosen to represent all of Massachusetts Boys State as their Lieutenant Governor.
While there were countless other moments which I still hold dear in my heart, it was the simple life lesson of putting people first which transformed my heart. No, we as young men and women didn't always agree. In fact, more often than not, our views were just about as opposite as they could get, yet during this 2015 Boys State I learned something which will stick with me for the rest of my life; No matter where you come from, what the color of your skin is, who you associate with, or what ideologies you hold, every soul is a human being deserving of love, and respect. And if it took an entire lifetime to learn that lesson, I would do it all over again, because this program didn't simply make me a better orator, politician or citizen; it made me a better human being, and for that, I will always be grateful.
Jonathan deMacedo